Risk Assessments
Before starting any laboratory procedure, a suitable risk assessment should be completed. Laboratory work should not begin until the risk assessment has been approved by the research supervisor. In the case of experiments involving a “class 5” chemical (highly hazardous reagent), the risk assessment must approved by the research supervisor and H&S coordinator.
CHARM System
The University of St Andrews has developed an on-line tool for recording risk assessments known as the CHARM system
Access the CHARM system
CHARM User Guide
A video guide for the completion of risk assessments and use of the CHARM system can be found below. If you encounter any problems, please contact Kevin Jones ([email protected]), Alan Aitken ([email protected]) or John Nicholson ([email protected]) who will be able to assist.
Adding New Substances to the CHARM System
If you are unable to find a substance on the CHARM system, you can suggest it is added to the database by clicking the image below and following the instructions.
St Andrews uses software called ChemInventory to maintain up-to-date records of research chemicals stored in each laboratory. The software can be accessed at www.cheminventory.net
Videos outlining how to use ChemInventory can be found below. Additional guidance documents can be found HERE
Video 1 – Introduction to ChemInventory
Video 2 – Managing Users and Sharing Inventories For Group Administrators