Fire Alarm Tests
We hold a weekly fire alarm test each Wednesday at 15.25; you are not required to evacuate at this time unless the alarm sounds for >30 seconds.
Evacuation Procedure
When the fire alarm continuously sounds:
- Make any experiments as safe as possible by (i) turning off any heating sources and (ii) lowering your fume-cupboard sash if applicable
- Leave the laboratory / office, closing doors behind you – This helps prevent the fire spreading
- Make your way to the nearest available emergency exit (see emergency exits section)
- Move to the assembly point (Near main entrance to Purdie Building; see below).
To ensure the fire service can easily enter the building you are asked to climb the steps and move along the path to a safe distance. - Approach a Fire Steward if you have any information on (i) how the fire started, (ii) casualties, (iii) people refusing to leave or any other pertinent information
Discovering a Fire
If you discover a fire, trigger the alarm by using a “fire call point”. You should also raise the alarm in the event of a significant explosion or major release of poisonous gas. A document showing the location of all “fire call points” throughout the Purdie Building can be found HERE.
Once the alarm is triggered, follow the evacuation procedure outlined above.
Emergency Exits & Fire Stewards
The location of the fire exits can be found below (a pdf version can be accessed HERE). You are asked to familiarise yourself with the fire exits around the department so you know where to head in the event of an emergency. You can always follow the green signs clearly marked throughout the department to a suitable exit, however, being aware of your most likely evacuation route ahead of time is highly recommended.
A list of the fire stewards assigned to each exit can be found HERE. If you have concerns over fire safety, please contact your closest fire warden or Kevin Jones for further assistance.
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)
If, for any reason, you will have difficulties evacuating the building in a prompt manner without additional assistance, please contact Kevin Jones (kj34) and Iona Hutchison (ilh) so we can arrange a personal evacuation plan.
Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishing equipment can be found throughout the building and in most laboratories. It is strongly recommended that you make yourself aware of the location of fire fighting equipment in your own laboratory in case you need it in an emergency situation.
It may be possible to extinguish a fire in the ignition phase, however, only attempt this if it is safe to do so. You should always maintain a means of escape so you can vacate the building if the fire spreads. Videos showing how to use fire extinguishers found throughout the department can be accessed HERE.
Lab Plans for the Emergency Services
Link to a Summary of Lab Plans and Major Hazards for the Emergency Services