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Reporting Accidents

With the exception of minor cuts, abrasions and burns, all accidents that occur within the School of Chemistry should be reported to the Health and Safety Manager (Kevin Jones; kj34) as soon as possible (and no later than the next working day).

The types of accidents include:

  • Fires of any kind (no matter how minor)
  • Explosions
  • Cases of poisoning
  • Cases of chemicals entering the eye
  • Incidents requiring outside medical attention (e.g. St Andrews Health Centre or Ninewells Hospital)
  • Significant spillage of a “class 5” material

You are also asked to report near-misses or dangerous occurrences (e.g. chemical splashes but does not make contact with a person, cylinder almost falls).

Accident / Near Miss Form

After an accident has occurred, an accident / near-miss form should be completed**. This is an important task as it helps the School identify underlying causes and take remedial action to prevent similar accidents occurring in the future. Once completed, the form should be returned to Kevin Jones (kj34) who will complete the “remedial action” section before sending the form to Environmental, Health and Safety Services (EHSS)

**Some internet browsers prevent the accident / near-miss form above from opening. If you run into any problems accessing the form, please contact Kevin Jones (kj34) or Varrie Ogilvie (vo3)

RIDDOR Reporting

Certain workplace injuries are subject to the “reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 2013” (RIDDOR). This assessment will be made by EHSS, but may require the accident / near-miss form to be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).